Saturday, June 20, 2009

Our babies

So - My Shelley left Thursday with the babies headed to Crescent Bar - her first trip there by herself (just she and the babies that is). They all made the trip without incident, and in just 2-1/2 hours!! Shelley's parents and two aunts and uncles live there, so there are lots of family to help with the babes. And, it allows Shelley a little more time to do some 'adult' things that she can't do here with just me as her only helper. They'll be over there for a week or so, and I miss them already!! Ronnie and the big boys (Evan and Collin) went over Friday night after Evan got off work!!
The babies are doing SO good - during all of their awake hours they are bright-eyed and curious and learning new activities every day. They are up on their hands and knees, rocking forward and back, so the actual crawling will be happening any day now.
Life is GOOD!!!

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